Developing Mindfulness
It is so simple, yet so complicated. It is not so much what we do but how we approach our activity. For example – when we are walking, driving or talking – are we stressed, angry or sad? Are we thinking back on what has happened or thinking to the future as to what might happen. Mindfulness takes us, be it for a brief while, into the here and now – the feel of the air on your face, the taste of the cup of tea, the sound of your favourite song – this stepping into the present moment is immensely powerful in freeing up our thoughts away from all its non stop chattering.
Living in the here and now can be momentarily liberating and, the more it becomes a habit, the more we become energized and in control of what is sometimes referred to the ‘monkey mind’. Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic in Massachusetts, has produced compact discs called Mindfulness Meditation that you may use at home if you are unable to attend a group to learn about it. There is also an eight week course called ‘Mindfulness and Stress reduction’ for those searching for a more peaceful and happier way of being in addition to Mindfulness Apps that you may download onto your mobile phone.