Survival buckets: Things that help

The following are thoughts and practical steps offered by mothers attending our groups as to how to survive the stressors of the day. During session 5 we actually pass around a bucket and each one of us will write our ideas down and place them in the bucket to be read out by another member of the group. It is both fun but also very helpful to hear and learn from the ideas of other group members. The ideas are then typed up and given to each group member at the final session.

  • To be more gentle with myself
  • Keep calm – it will be better in the long run
  • Things will get better
  • Cry – it lets everything out and makes you feel better – it can’t hurt anyone
  • Talking to someone about it – need adult conversation
  • Going for a walk – always good
  • Stop/pause/breath I say ‘It will pass’
  • Deep breathing
  • Think of a happy memory
  • Remembering the times when we would have a proper belly laugh together – always makes me smile
  • This time will pass
  • Things will get easier
  • Enjoy today and don’t worry about tomorrow
  • Taking it easy
  • Sleeping I used to have a glass of wine but now I go for a drive or walk. Also, at the end of the day, I do a diary.
  • If I’m out and can’t walk away, I do the breathing
  • Remove myself from the situation
  • Step outside for some fresh air
  • Ring my Nan
  • Think of my relaxing place
  • Keep smiling, everything will be okay
  • Go and take five minutes to myself
  • Bubble bath
  • Loud music
  • Speak to a friend
  • Whatever the outcome, I will grow stronger for it
  • Dance with my sisters
  • I’m doing the best I can
  • A lot worse could happen
  • Live life to the full