Who are we?

We are a group of health care professionals and volunteers who are passionate about the helping mothers who struggle with low mood and depression in the early years of parenthood. Elpitha began in 2008 as a collaboration between the Home-Start charity in Harlow, Essex, and two health visitors, Helen Elia and Pat Alexander, who shared a deep commitment to helping those mothers with whom they worked, whose lives were being torn apart by post natal depression. Our approach draws on our own experience working with mothers, as well as our qualifications in counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, and compassionate CBT. 

Working closely with Home-Start, and drawing on our extensive experience working with mothers, and qualifications in counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and compassionate CBT, we have designed a course to provide volunteers with the skills and materials to run a support group for mums. The Elpitha Handbook provided the course materials for the very first Elpitha Course, and now forms the basis of all Elpitha facilitator training. 

The inspiring feedback from the first group of mums in the Harlow Elpitha Support Group proved that the Elpitha approach was able to slowly help lift mothers out of the prison of depression. We are now committed to ensuring that mothers across the country are able to benefit from the support, guidance and self-help strategies offered by Elpitha Support Groups. To that end, this site has been developed to disseminate the Elpitha Handbook, provide a hub for future Elpitha courses and support groups, and provide a starting for mums seeking help. Please explore the site to find out more.